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OxiBounce Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to the main questions you may have about our email verification platform.

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FAQ OxiBounce

What is OxiBounce?

What can OxiBounce do?

OxiBounce allows you to validate lists of email addresses to identify addresses that are not (or are no longer) valid and addresses that are potentially dangerous for your reputation.

Our solution helps you optimise your mailings by keeping only the most reliable addresses.

How is this different from sending an e-mail to check whether the address exists?

Because OxiBounce will diagnose the existence of your addresses without disturbing your recipients and without risking your reputation as a sender.

My email provider is asking me to use your platform to clean up my file. Does this make sense?

Yes, we're routers ourselves and we're perfectly aware of the problems they face. Your router is asking you to carry out this check to protect its platform and to protect you at the same time. So you've come to the right place!


Will my contacts receive emails during validation?

No! OxiBounce's validation consists of dozens of different tests that allow you to verify your data without ever having to contact your recipients. This validation is carried out without disturbing your recipients.

How long does it take to process my file?

Verification is carried out very quickly. However, some addresses may take a little longer. On average, it should take a few tens of minutes for 10,000 e-mails, but this time may vary depending on the diversity of addresses in your file and the load on the platform.

Can you test 100% of email addresses?

Yes, but that doesn't mean you'll get an absolute result for all the data.

For some addresses, for example, we will be able to validate their format, the existence of a mail server, etc. but we will not be able to validate their existence (the case of Accept-All - explained below - for example).

Nevertheless, the results we provide you with always correspond to the highest possible level of diagnosis - that's our commitment!

Do you test addresses protected by greylists?

As a reminder, a greylist is a protection system that initially rejects messages and then, after several minutes, accepts them. Most address validation systems don't test these addresses. OxiBounce, on the other hand, takes care of testing these addresses and will provide you with an effective result in almost all cases. Greylist processing takes a little longer to give you a result.

Do you have documentation for OxiBounce return codes?


What are "Accept-all" emails?

Accept-all" addresses are of a rather special type: their mail server indicates that all the addresses we want to test exist and we need to send a real e-mail to carry out the final test (to find out whether the address really exists).

So we won't be able to give you a definitive diagnosis on this type of address, but that won't stop us from giving you the results of all the other tests (format, danger, role, mail server, etc.).

What is a Bounce?

Bounces are invalid email addresses. The name comes from the technical notification sent by the recipient's system. There are two types of bounces:

- Hard bounces: these are definitive errors, addresses that no longer work. - Soft bounces: these are temporary errors (full boxes, etc.).

OxiBounce identifies both types of bounces and informs you of the reasons.

What is a Spamtrap?

A "spamtrap" is an email trap that allows operators to detect the senders of unwanted mail.

There are many types of spam trap: [Primary spamtraps - Primary spamtraps: email boxes created specifically by operators to identify spammers. [Typotraps] - Typotraps: domains close to the original domains but including a small deliberate typo (gmial instead of gmail, for example). [Recycled spamtraps] - Recycled spamtraps: email addresses that have not been used for some time (which have therefore generated bounces) and which have been recycled by operators as traps to identify senders who "recycle" old files.
- etc.

As routers ourselves, we hate spam. OxiBounce isn't designed to clean your file of spamtraps. Those who sell you this are lying to you: it's obvious that if someone knows all the spamtraps or manages to identify them, these "detectors" are useless.

Nevertheless, OxiBounce helps you maintain good hygiene for your email lists even if you don't route as often as recommended. It helps you to identify dangerous addresses before they become dangerous.


Do you have an API for testing e-mail addresses from my forms / CRM?

Yes, the OxiBounce API allows you to connect your applications to the platform and let them benefit from the verification functions offered by our solution. This API is very easy to use and simply needs to be activated in your account.

Do I have to pay to access the API?

No, access to the API is included in the price, at no extra cost.

Any other questions? Contact support!


Our solutions are developed in France and fully hosted in Europe.
They are compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules.
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