Outstanding deliverability

With our routing platform, e-mails are sent by SMTP servers configured specifically for e-mailing. Our various partnerships and our expertise assure you an exceptional deliverability.

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Exceptional deliverability
Routing platform equipped with SPF, DKIM, Reverse DNS ...

Take advantage of all authentication technologies

Our sending platform is composed of SMTP servers configured specifically for e-mailing. They are equipped with all the technologies and authentication methods to maximize the deliverability of your messages: SPF, DKIM, Reverse DNS...

Excellent reputation with ISPs

Daily exchanges with email providers

For more than 10 years, we have proved our reliability to ISP and we have created with them trusted relationships, that allows us to provide an optimal deliverability.

Antispam service ensures your deliverability

A very strict monitoring of our platform

A dedicated team controls our platform daily, analyzes the feedback from operators and recipients, and monitors the reputation of our mailing servers. We act accordingly to ensure you always get the best deliverability.

Send your first email campaign now!

500 emails are offered to discover OxiMailing. No obligation.

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Other features...

Fight against spam

No tolerance of spam

Our commitment against spam is a part of our DNA. For over 10 years, we have built relationships of trust and mutual respect with the largest email operators because we are intransigent against spammers. We prefer to lose a client than to threaten the deliverability of our servers.

Respect of legislation and good practice of emailing

The education of our users

By using OxiMailing, you will receive many tips to avoid beeing mistakenly considered as a spammer. We will remember you the law and the best practices and, if necessary, our dedicated team will contact you to correct any problem. This is not a waste of time: this monitoring allows you to be assured that our platform will always maintain the best deliverability and so that your messages have the greatest chance to arrive inbox. This also works the other way: you have a doubt, a question on legislation or good practices? Do not hesitate to contact us!


Our solutions are developed in France and fully hosted in Europe.
They are compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules.
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